The coastal charm of Maryland’s Coast doesn’t stop in the summer! The holidays bring winter activities for everyone to enjoy in all of our festive small towns. From Ocean City, MD to Snow Hill, and Pocomoke, immerse yourself in the holiday spirit with these upcoming events!
Holiday Events
Winterfest of Lights
Winterfest of Lights is an Ocean City, MD tradition that welcomes thousands of locals and visitors to town for the extravagant light displays. Favorite displays include the 12 Days of Christmas, the giant diamond ring, and the 50-foot Christmas tree with dancing lights in sync with the holiday music. Bring the whole family to sip on hot chocolate and get a picture with Santa while wandering through Northside Park.
Ice Ice Berlin & Christmas Tree Lighting
What’s the holidays without a Christmas tree lighting and beautiful ice sculptures? The town of Berlin kicks off the winter season on November 24th with the annual Ice Ice Berlin event for all to experience.
Christmas Parades
All of the towns on Maryland’s Coast have their own Christmas parades to embrace the holiday spirit! View our full list of events to see when Ocean City, Berlin, Snow Hill, and Pocomoke will have their annual Christmas parade.
Gift Shopping
Complete all of your holiday gift shopping while you visit Maryland’s Coast! Whether you’re shopping at the outlets and surf shops in Ocean City, boutiques in Snow Hill, or antique shops in Berlin, you’ll be able to find unique gifts for everyone on your list.
Some of the most popular sales of the year include the Holiday Shoppers Fair at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center and Jolly Roger Amusement Park’s in-person Black Friday sale! Both of these events will keep you busy after Thanksgiving picking out the perfect presents and stocking stuffers!
Indoor Activities
If you’re looking for winter indoor activities besides shopping, Maryland’s Coast is filled with museums that are ready to welcome locals and visitors alike this holiday season! Stop by the OC Life Saving Station in Ocean City, MD, the Delmarva Discovery Museum in Pocomoke, the Calvin B. Taylor House in Berlin, and so many more.
Plus, check out the drive-in holiday movies hosted by Maryland’s Coast at a park near you!
For more to do this winter in our coastal towns, make sure to follow Maryland’s Coast on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date!
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